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Railroad Maintenance & Environmental Cleanup

Railroad maintenance workers are the national powerhouse of Local 773. With nearly 300 members across 41 states nationwide, we are the only local in the International to house railroad maintenance laborers. We are the highest skilled, hardest working people in the industry performing many tasks such as track maintenance, loading and unloading, environmental and disaster clean-up,  derailment and demolition just to name a few.

Laborers' Local 773 is signatory to the National Railroad Agreement, Rail Transportation and Operation Agreement under the RTOA (Railroad Transportation and Operation Agreement). This agreement covers maintenance and construction of Railroad right-of-way and on Railroad in 41 states. We enforces rights under the "Collective Bargaining Agreement", including determining wages, hours, and other working conditions of employment through direct negotiations with the employers. 

The RTOA covers such things as worker's safety, union security, union recognition, working rules, working assignment, hours of work, pension benefits, health & welfare, and grievance procedures. For information on the Railroad Maintenance Health and Welfare please call 1-800-258-6534 and for the Industrial Pension fund please call 1-800-544-7422.