Laborers Rising!

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Local 773

The Laborers’ International Union of North America is the most progressive and aggressive Unions in North America. We represent more than 500,000 working men and women fighting for good wages and benefits, safer jobsites. Local 773, based in Marion, Illinois, represents over 3,500 members nationwide in 41 States who work in a variety of fields including public employees, construction, industrial plants, law enforcement, railroad maintenance, environmental cleanup and healthcare.

As a member, you are represented on the job by your Local Union. The staff is comprised by representatives and office personnel appointed by Business Manager , Jerry Womick who delegates and controls day to day union business. It is the full duty of the Business Manager to see to it that the affairs and business of the Local Union are being properly conducted in accordance with the Constitutions and with the rules, regulations, policies, practices and lawful orders and decisions. The staff of the Local 773 provides representation for all members of Local 773. 

The Executive Board of Laborers Local 773 currently consists of President-Matt Smith, Vice President- Chuck Sine, Recording Secretary-Heather Laughland-Etherton, Secretary Treasurer- Jack Skelcher, Business Manager- Jerry Womick, Auditors-  Mendy Karnes and Todd Goforth and two additional executive board members- Rek Woods and Terry "Zinger" Sexton. The Executive Board must meet the qualifications and be elected through the Local Union's nomination and election of officers every three years. 

Your Local Union protects you in many ways, such as:

  • Enforces rights under the "Collective Bargaining Agreement" which is a method of determining wages, hours and other working conditions of employment through direct negotiations between the Local union representatives and the employer. The collective bargaining agreement is a written contract which covers all the employees in the bargaining unit.

  • Assists members in finding construction employment through its referral services or hiring hall.

  • Provides apprenticeship and training programs, offering members the opportunity to develop and improve skills needed to obtain-and to retain- employment in an ever more complex and demanding working world.

  • Enforces legal rights, such as those extended to workers under the National Labor Relations Act.

  • Promotes jobsite safety as guaranteed under OSHA.

  • Protects against discrimination in employment by enforcing both contract rights and legal rights such as those found in Title VII of the Equal Employment Opportunities Act. 

More About LiUNA!

  • Over 500,000 members

  • 560 Local Unions

  • 56 District Councils

  • 9 Regional Offices

  • 2 Canadian Sub-Regional Offices

  • International Headquarters in Washington D.C.

  • please visit www.liuna.com for more information